Memory training

In case of autism, ADHD of DCD

Autism and working memory training

Children with autism spectrum disorders usually have excellent visual-spatial memory. However, a working memory problem is a frequently described deficit in ASD. Children with autism struggle with verbal working memory. Because the working memory of children with autism does not work well with other parts of the brain, they often cannot switch properly, making it difficult for them to process information.

The BCB memory training helps children to learn to switch between information by constantly adding new information to existing information and editing it. In addition, their concentration is stretched and flexibility increased, because they have to keep an eye on two tasks at the same time.

ADHD and working memory training

Several studies show that visual-spatial working memory is often affected in children with ADHD. A working memory problem may also play a conditional role in the child's impulsivity: children react impulsively because they cannot retain information long enough (Alderson et al., 2010). The hyperactivity could also be explained by a working memory problem. The hyperactivity has a purpose: it is necessary for executive brain functions and working memory (Rapport e.a., 2009).

The BCB memory training helps children to quickly filter the most important information from a text, while suppressing impulses to respond to distracting information. The software also trains children to organize new information and monitor two tasks at the same time.

DCD and working memory training

Children and adolescents with DCD or dyspraxia have difficulty coordinating posture and movement. The problem lies mainly in the visuospatial working memory, which plays an important role in the planning and control of movements. Because the DCD also has an effect on fine motor skills in these children, they often lack time to process information by writing it down. Limited working memory makes this even more difficult, as they can only do one thing at a time.

The BCB memory training addresses the weak spots in the working memory in these children. For example, the software helps to increase the visual information processing speed, leaving more room to focus their attention on motor control when, for example, writing. The visual-spatial working memory is also explicitly trained, so that they learn to switch better between processing information and the motor action that belongs to the assignment.

If you would like more information about the memory training, you can send an e-mail to our international product manager Suzanne van Wunnik,